

Judith Hernandez

With a vast experience that gleams like polished gold, Judith has sculpted a reputation as the go-to specialist for Brazilian waxing. Her story is not just about personal achievements, but also about mentorship and dedication to her craft. She is always willing to share her expertise with her fellow waxers, guiding them toward unrivaled results and exceptional customer service. With an Esthetician License, Judith’s knowledge and skills extend beyond waxing. Her constant focus, precise attention to detail, and patience ensure a comfortable and satisfying learning experience. Whether you are a first-time waxing professional or a seasoned pro, Judith’s expertise will assure ideal results and leave you confident and wise. As the Lead Wax Pro at Depil Brazil studio, Judith has mastered her craft by training waxers in three amazing locations: Plano, Preston, and Uptown! With over 5,000 hours of teaching under her belt, she is a top-notch Master who can direct you towards succe$$. Follow in her footsteps and become a skilled waxer like her, a professional who is always learning and sharing knowledge with others!


Paloma Baptista
Jacinda Rojas
Judith Hernandez
Pedro Viana